Naomi was born 2 weeks after her due date. I had an emergency c-section because after almost a day of serious labor (we were doing a homebirth vbac), I felt something was terribly wrong. Thankfully, my midwife listened to me, and we went to the hospital for an emergency c-section. Naomi was born with her lungs stuck shut from mecomium (baby's first excrement) inhalation. It was the worst the doctor had ever seen. She was rushed to Children's Hospital in Seattle where she was put on ECMO (extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation).

ECMO is used in infants who are extremely ill due to breathing or heart problems. The ECMO machine circulates blood through an artificial lung back into the bloodstream. This provides adequate oxygen to the baby while allowing time for the lungs and heart to "rest" or heal.
Here is a picture of Naomi just after she was off of ECMO, she is still hooked up to a hard ventilator:
ECMO is a device of last resort for kids that are close to death. When Naomi was on ECMO 3 others were in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) ECMO as well. Of those 4 kiddos, only Naomi came out alive. The down side to ECMO is that there is a large chance of have a stroke while on the machine, and most ECMO kids have asthma and allergies. Naomi had a stroke on Day 5 of ECMO. Thankfully the 5 days she had on the machine was enough to let her lungs absorb enough meconium to be able to breathe with a hard ventilator, eventually a soft-ventilator, and finally regular room air.
A regular down side to being a stroke victim (or traumatic brain injury of any kind) is an increased chance for seizures. To date, Naomi has only had one seizure, we think induced by a dark room coupled with a bright flashing anime cartoon. We are hoping that the repair of tissue in her brain from HBOT will lessen her future risk of seizures, as well as perhaps heal her asthma.
Here is Naomi the first day she got home from the hospital (at 2 months old):
Here's the Wiki entry for ECMO, the survival rates are somewhat sobering.
Hello!!! I'm from the hemi list and have been talking about HBOT for awhile but no one seems to really get excited about it so i'm glad to see this blog :)
my RH daughter is 3 and we did our first HBOT (40 sessions) this summer...we're going back over Christmas to squeeze in as many as we can in a week (i'm pregnant and so we can only do it when my hubby can be off work to dive with Sharon). Anyway, we were so pleasantly surprised by our HBOT experience!! I have a blog too and in the archives in August and september of this year i posted a bit about our experience with pix etc.
Hi Jaye,
I read your blog, and it sounds like the changes you saw were: improved speech and more feeling in her right hand. Did I miss anything? Have you notice any other benefits post HBOT?
Thanks, M&M
Naomi, you're a star! I look forward to hearing about your adventures and all you learn. Abby and Anna say hello and wish you all the best. Marna, thanks for letting me know about this blog. Safe travels, and let's go for a ride when you get back. Love, Alexia
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