Many thanks to our friend Kathleen for showing us how to make chocolates!
Here are Benj and Naomi pouring chocolates into molds. As you can see from this picture, chocolate is melted on low temperature in glass jars using an electric fry pan. Then the chocolates are spooned into molds. From there the molds are dropped a bit to shake the air bubbles out, then put into the freezer until they are hard enough to pop out of the molds. We painted white chocolates on to some of the molds to give a little more color.
Here are some finished chocolates!
Dive 37 Completed!!!
Today we completed our 37th dive. With all the weather we have been having (I had to dig the car out of the snow twice today), it was touch-and-go as to whether (weather) we would make it there !
Naomi hasn't had any amazing changes, but there seem to be little changes happening. It seems like she has more rotation in suppination and slightly better use of her pincer grasp. Her limp seems less pronounced, which is good considering how cold and how little actual exercise we are getting these days because of the weather.
Several of the HBOT studies I have read indicate the need for intensive therapy for the two months following the 40 dive regimine. We will most likely do constraint therapy at home as well as electro-stimulation. I know we will get push-back from Naomi, but I want to make sure that this treatment round is effective and we will get permanent carry over.
The Skinny on Skinny
Please send healing wishes to Bob (owner of Skinny the Wolf Dog). He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and we would like to see him reunited with his dog. Skinny seems very sad.
From Naomi:
And Bob is a very nice guy and he raised a lot of monny for the HOC to
open it! I am really happy that I will be home soon.
Wow! You're almost done! Nice looking chocolates you guys made, yum! So sorry to hear about Bob, I'm sending healing thoughts his way.
See you soon!
Wow, the chocolates look great! Yummmmmm....
What happened to Bob?
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