Here is a view of Victoria from the Galloping Goose, the bike trail similar to the Burke-Gillman. We saw a harbor seal (not pictured) while stopped to take pictures.
Today's therapy was a little more productive. Naomi did her Spelling (AVKO Sequential Spelling) while doing her first dive. We were able to do yoga and a cross-crawl pattern in-between both dives today. A routine is emerging!
Today's movies, the last part of Pride and Prejudice and A Bee Movie.
Inbetween HBOT sessions today, we took a ride on the Galloping Goose. Despite the beautiful day, it was c-c-c-cold here today at a balmy 39 degrees F.
Today in Canada:
Big news in Canada today! Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, suspended the Parliment to prevent them from voting him no confidence (and kicking him out). There was a candle vigil that had signs implying that the (freezing) protesters wanted him thrown out.
Canadian Impressions:
More people rollerblade here, and rollerblade way better than what you would typically see on the Sammamish River Trail.
More people seem more environmentally conscious. There is a VERY large contingent of Smart Cars. The city made them their own parking spots in places where there wasn't enough room for regular cars, and with reduced parking fees.
Victoria is pretty flat, (well incomparison to where I come from), therefore there is a LARGE bicycle contigent. Not as many as in Portland, but the population is quite a bit less as well. We also see way more people walking everywhere.
On Canada and dogs. It seems like almost everybody has a dog, and walks their dog(s), and their dogs are way more balanced than the dogs in my neighborhood. The Dog Whisperer has his dogs walk next to him. All of the dogs here walk next to their owners. In the States, dogs walk in front of their owners and seem more out of control and out of balance. I wonder why? People really like walking their dogs here.
What I miss: (a rant about Jon Stewart and the Daily Show)
Okay, so we all type in www. before web addresses which stand for the WORLD WIDE WEB. I am outside of the US. I SHOULD be able to go to and watch Jon Stewart every night. I can't! The videos don't come up and I am redirected to a Canadian TV site, that is at least 2 weeks behind shows, and the site doesn't download the episodes in a way that is condusive to being able to actually watch without stopping every second or so to download more of the show. What is this travesty of justice?
Otherwise, Canada is pretty cool.
From Naomi: I had something happen my foot can lift in my Dafo
which didn't happen before. Canada is pretty cool. I like the animals here (especially Seals).
Skinny-the-wolf-hybrid came in to the HOC today. His owner Bob let us take his picture. We love Skinny!
Hi Guys! Looks like you're getting into the swing of things up there in Victoria. What a fabulous place to spend a month (Victoria, not the HOC - though that's super cool in it's own right).
Marna, I'm not sure if you can access but if you can, they have the Daily Show available on there. Go up to channels, then talk and interview, and you'll be able to get your fix. Looks like they're only a couple of days behind. Hope that works for you.
Naomi, I'll be sure to get Natalie on the computer later so she can see what you're up to, and send you a message. She's going to love the picture of the hybrid wolf!
Laura (Nat's mom)
Hi Laura,
Thank you so much for the link! Unfortunately, hulu is just streaming in the US for the time being.
Marna - testing the limits of the World Wide Web
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