Inbetween HBOT sessions, we went to Oak Bay in search of wild seals to feed. We were rewarded with two seals and a passle of gulls that tried to take the fish from the seals and each other.
Did you know that it costs .95 cents to send a card from Canada to Seattle? WOW!
We had forgotten how expensive food is here, it being an island and all. A quart of Rice Milk at home is less than $2.00. Here a quart of rice milk is almost $4. Organic eggs are over $5.00/dozen.
Today I read that glutathione was recommended for doing HBOT dives to aid in body healing. We are doing more research on this one. More to report later. Has anyone else read about glutathione as an aid in healing specifically with respect to children?
The HOC has this FAB water filter. You can choose slightly acidic or slightly alkaline water.
Peat Bath.
Alex had a Peat Bath today while waiting for Naomi and I to go through our morning HBOT. Alex enjoyed his bath very much and came out feeling relaxed and happy.
We did 3-1/2 hours worth of diving today while watching the perennial Naomi/mama favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice, the 5 hour BBC version.
Benjamin tried some Hum Bao in Chinatown for dinner tonight, and we are perfected new ways of doing stir fry.
Sounds like you are making a really great time out of this trip! How cool to have the very immediate results of Naomi's hurt thumb, too. That's really amazing!
I can imagine it's tough to miss Suki...a month is a long time away from a much loved pet! We are missing you guys too - glad all is going well! I'm going to try to get K to post later.
Hi Naomi! Your blog was really interesting. You went through a LOT when you were little, huh? Hope it goes well. Talk to you soon!
Hi Shimmerstar,
Yes, it was tough when I was little, but I got through with it, and that is all that really matters to me.
I like Skinny the Dog who is 1/2 wolf and 1/2 malemute.
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