Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread, Snow and Mom's HBOT Breakthrough

Sunday was Gingerbread House making in the common room where we are staying! Naomi had a blast decorating a homemade gingerbread house with a room full of other people. How fun!

Saturday night it started snowing and it snowed just under a foot in Victoria, then the temperature dropped down to -7 C (or about 20 F for you in the US).

Here I have managed to capture probably the worst view of the snow, but we were all too cold to go out and take another. Really there is about a foot of snow! And it's VERY, VERY icy.

Saturday night we were at Kathleen's singing concert, and left 1/2 way through because we thought it would be better driving right away in the snow rather than later. We nearly got in three wrecks as underneath the snow, the road was very icy. But we made it home. We almost hit a DEER on a very urban street (munching on shrubs in peoples front yards) as it walked across the street. We think that it might live in the Garry Oak Forest at Government House.

Garry Oaks are protected here, and once had a vast range on Vancouver Island. Several species of animals, birds and insects are dependant on the Garry Oak for habitat.

Mom's Big HBOT Breakthrough:

For the last year, I have had chronic tendontis in might right foot. No day goes by without a little pain. Some days are better than others, but I can always tell its there. Well, for the last 3 days, I have been PAIN-FREE. Thank you HBOT

Although we are here primarily for Naomi, I am happy to get a benefit from spending hours of my life watching movies in a pressurized box!

Naomi's ankle scar continues to get lighter and lighter. It may disappear all together by the time we leave. Her face eczema is still gone, although we haven't gotten any structural break-throughs just yet. Maybe some healing takes more time.

Benjamin successfully made it across the boarder via the Clipper by himself today. We missed him--it has been far too quiet without the constant bickering of siblings who love each other.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it snowed here to in portland and there hasintbin a lot of school