Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 4: The Birds!! (and updated Picture Glitch)

Editor Note:  Apparently some of my pictures weren't appearing on the blog correctly.  Now instead of cutting and pasting from e-mail, I am copying and saving in Photoshop.  Amazingly, the picts are 100% better.  If you missed the picts the first time through, go look now.  They are there, and they are better!

Naomi:  Naomi is taking the night off after having a Peat Bath and going to bed early.

Our view while making lunch in Kathleen's Kitchen.

Marna: Today was my bizarre day of the birds.  On my first walk down to Starbuck's to download my podcasts, I was DIVE BOMBED by two crows in the Garry Oaks.  When I took out my camera to take their picture, they would go exactly far enough up the tree to make the picture worthless.  Then I would start walking and they would start DIVE BOMBING me again.  Weird!  I must look like a former enemy of theirs.  So I was meditating on the cause of such bird scorn, when I arrived at my usual outdoor table at Starbuck's.  As it was raining, I was the only soul outside.  As it was 11 C, I wanted to be outside, not in.  After I opened (my new super cool MacBook), one chickadee came and landed atop my screen, and another came and looked at me nicely from beside the computer, as if to say, "You're okay, we don't know what those crows are about."  They stayed for a very long while, until someone in a hurry came up the sidewalk and ruined the moment.  Birds Part 3:  Then as I was making lunch, I kept hearing very loud seagulls on the roof.  I looked up and took this picture above.  Boy, they are a noisy bunch!  Lastly, when I went back to SB, to download this pict, I was treated to 2 very lovely Anna's hummingbirds drinking nectar from the hanging flower baskets.  All-in-all, a great bird day!


Maureensk said...

The pictures look good! That is really weird about the birds! What is a peat bath?

Jen said...

Hi Marna and Naomi,
Thanks for sharing your experiences in Canada! We're following along.


Laura K. said...

Great bird stories! I seem to remember hearing about crows dive bombing you guys the last time you were in CAN. Maybe not...

Kevin B said...

You know, Crows and Ravens are famous servants of many dark lords, from Lord Of the Rings to Wheel Of Time.
So obviously, your quest must be a noble and worthy one!
Carry on!
Shoot, I can never read those "prove you're not a robot" words, hope this makes it.
Good luck all,

Elizabeth Peterson said...

Dear Naomi,
I am glad to hear that you are doing well! I look forward to seeing you when this is over.
Your friend,
Elizabeth Peterson